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Main Event World on Roblox

In Main Event World on Roblox by Super League Gaming, I contributed to this experience by modeling and texturing a variety of hero props, as well as creating unique materials to really bring the scenes to life. A key element of this game is player customization through unlocks. The world design team did a phenomenal job of set dressing to really create a fun and memorable environment. I used Blender, Substance Painter and Substance Designer to create the assets seen below.

Bowling Props and Customization

For the bowling minigame, I was responsible for creating iconic bowling alley mechanisms, unique bowling ball patterns to represent their special abilities, and customizable lane appearances.

Laser Tag Props

For the Laser Tag minigame, I created traditional Laser Tag barriers with a sci-fi twist, oversized arcade gadgets, and custom materials for the levels.

Laser Tag Gear

When playing the Laser Tag minigame, you progressively unlock new blasters and throwable traps that can change up the gameplay. It was important to have these be detailed, with how close they would be to the player, but also remain optimized.

Laser Tag Outfits

Players can unlock special outfits that are only accessible in the Laser Tag minigame. I had the opportunity to hone in on my sculpting skills to create these fun outfits.

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